Why our Shelves are often bare of vegetable on a Sunday:
If we were to harvest extra spinach on Saturday to sell on Sunday, by the time you buy it, it would already have lost a portion of its nutritional value
Reflections on yet another (NO) change of government.
Here we are, at the end of 2024, with am incoming government that is virtually indistinguishable from those that have ruled for decades. Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are so alike that calling them separate parties feels disingenuous.
Why Bare Acre Farm Chooses Transparency Over Organic Certification
At Bare Acre Farm, we’re often asked why we haven’t pursued organic certification. This is something we have tormented ourselves about, the idea of a label that guarantees our produce is grown to a high standard and upholds the original principles of organic production are attractive, even beguiling, that is until you peel back the skin and reveal the often rotten core.
December at Bare Acre Farm: A Time of Growth, Preparation, And At Least A Little Festive Cheer
We’re incredibly excited about what’s to come in the new year. Based on your feedback, our flower and vegetable production is set to expand beyond the farm. Dave will be bringing our produce to a wider audience at farmers’ markets starting in March 2025.
Why Shopping Local Makes Us All Stronger
Every purchase from a local business helps to build a stronger, more connected, and sustainable community.
The entire Diddly Dory on Free Range Bronze Turkey
Bronze turkeys are known for their rich, gamey flavour. Because they are raised slowly and outdoors, their meat has a depth and succulence that surpasses the milder taste of industrially raised white turkeys
Want to work with us?
At Bare Acre Farm, we grow more than vegetables and flowers—we build a community. Since opening in 2022, we’ve grown steadily, and with anticipated expansion in 2025, we’re excited to offer additional roles across several areas. These new positions will complement our current team, and we’re looking for candidates with skills and experience and, more importantly, the right attitude. If you’re committed, enthusiastic, and eager to develop your craft, we’d love to hear from you!
We’re going to be on the telly.
See the results on November 21st at 7PM on RTE1. With a repeat on the following Sunday. We’ve been wanting to tell you about this for ages, but as the promo dropped today, we finally can. About a month ago, the TV cameras rolled in to the farm to film us for RTE’s Ear To […]
“Fake Foods: What’s Really on Your Plate?”
It’s not just misleading—it’s insulting. Let me walk you through some of the biggest offenders.
Bare Acre Farm CSA 2025: Fresh Vegetables, Free-Range Eggs, Homemade Jam, and More! Are you interested?
By joining our CSA, you’re helping us keep Bare Acre Farm growing. Your support helps us continue using sustainable farming methods that benefit the land and the local ecosystem.